MACMASTERS BEACH – 15 October 2021
What started out as a bit of a doddle around Macmasters Beach soon turned into a blogworthy adventure with Trish and Brad when we went off track in the middle of a storm.
It was supposed to be a short walk, just to get ourselves back into walking again after so long in lockdown – and it was a short walk but trying to negotiate our way down a wet clay slope ramped up the adventure.

None of us had down the walk from Macmasters Beach to Little Beach before, we weren’t sure what to expect, but turned out to be a well marked track, with a few side trips. Trish on the left, Brad on the right.

Looking down into Little Beach, so far the walk wasn’t looking blogworthy despite the nice company.

Side trip to a good lookout, looking up to the North. Fabulous weather, hardly a cloud in the sky.

Arrival at Little Beach, a man and his child there having fun at the water’s edge.

Little Beach looking south.

NPWS campground, there are only 5 or 6 sites here and you have to book to reserve a site. We’re thinking of a mid-week decadence walk and lazing about at the water’s edge with champagne. Still in the planning stages. Watch this space.

The track back up to the top of the headland from the beach. Good trackwork by NPWS, but LOTS of steps.

We’d bypassed a lot of tracks off to the side of the main track, with the intention to do the side trips on the return journey. The first track led to a very iffy “footpad” off the edge of the cliff, we took a peak but decided it was too risky.

There’d been a hazard reduction burn here recently, it looked to me that the hazard reduction burn area was behind a lot of residential homes.

The next side trip, looked like the track went to the top of the headland. By now the cloud was starting to roll in from the south west and looked like we were in for a bit of a shower, but we pressed on regardless.

Fabulous display of Flannel flowers up on the headland. See the banner shot at the top of the post.

At the cliff-edge, looks like a nice place for a picnic. and the weather wasn’t looking that good. We were now on a bit of a footpad, so we decided to see where it went, rather than retrace our steps.

Yep, definitely looks like rain coming. Undaunted we continued on, the track looked like it was headed in the right direction (towards Macmasters Beach), maybe it would be shorter.

By now it’s beginning to spit on us and we’ve got our sights on some trees in the distance to shelter from the rain.

Brad was prepared for rain! Trish and I eventually got our rain jackets out as the rain pelted on us. The trees at least sheltered us from the driving rain.

After it eased off we headed out to see where the track was heading, and sure enough we were right above Macmasters beach.

It was about now that we found out how much of a challenge it would be getting down. Very steep and clay soil under foot. We came up with a saying “black clay will be ok, red clay stay away”! The red clay was slippery as, sitting down gave us more traction.

Brad “I think this way will be ok”.

Macmasters ocean pool, so close yet still too high.

Almost down, bear in mind that Trish was still nursing her ankle after her Achilles Tendon surgery! After this last slope it was a couple of metres until we were on the beach.
It was great to finally get back out to bushwalking (or beach walking).
Only 5.24k, not a big walk, but a lot of fun, thanks Trish & Brad for coming with me and Trish for coming up with the idea for the walk! What’s the next one going to be?
I think that NPWS should have put in a zipline from top of the headland, finishing in the pool at the beach.
Nice to see that Trish has lost her oversized ‘soccer’ boot, & is back on the move again.
I think a trip out to Glen Davis – to see if we can better the ‘wimpish’ SAS recruits – should be on the agenda – some genuine ‘serious’ adventure!
Haha, yes zipline would be good.
Always fun to see what you have been up to( or down to!)
My sister and I just finished a great road trip to Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Pennsylvania. Fantastic Fall colors!! Also a ride on the Cog Railroad to the top of Mt. Washington ( highest winds ever recorded on Earth!). That was a Bucket list for me .
We had blue sky and sunshine— rare!!! Also went to Acadia and Cadillac Mtn. Bucket list for my sister. I had been before.
Another highlight was seeing the Flight 93 Memorial. Unlike you, our “hiking” was pretty unchallenging!!!😂
Key Kathy, always good to hear from you. I am envious of your trips over the north eastern states, miss the fall colours.