LITTLE BEACH, NSW – 15 July 2023
A months’ gone by without a word from me … as some of you know I’ve been in Western Australia, in the Kimberley Region doing cave surveying and exploration. Came back on the 14th but it will take a couple of weeks for me to sort out photos and write up about three awesome weeks. However, there’s no stopping me, I was barely off the plane when I was in the car with my two youngest granddaughters (and son) for a night of adventure!
Yep, plane landed at 10pm, then on the shuttle to home, arriving at 12.30pm, then up next morning to shop for essentials for our night’s camping.
The girls and Jimmy (and Mel who was having 24 hours of “Mel time” while we were away) arrived around 1pm. It took a while to sort out camping gear and food, then we were off to Little Beach – with a slight detour to pick up a “goon” of red wine for Jimmy and me!
Little Beach has just 6 camp sites (which you have to book way ahead to secure a spot), I was thinking that as it was winter, maybe we’d be the only ones there, so was a little surprised to see that all 6 sites were occupied. Unfortunately, although there’s a toilet, water isn’t provided so we had to carry in about 4 litres for the night.
A bare 35 minute drive from my house, and a 600m (10 minute) walk down to the beach and we were there.

Jimmy watched the girls whilst I set up the tent. Liana, the youngest wasn’t at all keen on camping, and wasn’t going to stay, so we just set up one tent. The plan was for Jimmy to take her home, or Mel to pick her up.

The beach is only small. Someone had built the shell of a tee-pee.

Lots of driftwood for building.

Local spear fishermen’s catch, I was envious.

We had little frankfurts (little boys) for appetizers.
There’s a good gas bbq supplied by NPWS so we used that to cook steaks for dinner, the other bonus is that there are garbage bins so we didn’t have to carry our garbage out.
By now Liana’s decided to stay (a bit of FOMO I think), so Jimmy went back to the car to pick up another tent, mattress and sleeping bag – everyone was relieved that we didn’t have to take her home.

There’s a $300 fine if you have a campfire anywhere in the campsite or on the beach, Jimmy and I did discuss the option to deal with the fine, but eventually decided to roast marshmallows on the gas stove, probably safer anyway!

Kids were in bed by 7.30pm and immediately asleep – despite polishing off a whole bag of marshmallows!
Once the girls were in bed, Jimmy and I spent an hour on the beach finishing off the wine (LOL). It sprinkled during the night – but the rain held off so when we got up in the morning we could watch the sun rise. Bacon and eggs for breakfast and then we quickly packed up before the forecast rain arrived. Back home by 9am and then the rain set in for the rest of the day.
Little Beach is definitely worth a return visit – maybe in the summer when the kids can enjoy the beach!