A little gem – exceeding all our wildest expectations

BLUE MOUNTAINS NP – 29 December 2023
Some time ago, when walking down a creek, John G and I spotted a side creek with a waterfall.  We agreed that it was definitely worth exploring, so I put it on my Wish List.  A year or so went by and finally we’ve committed to the trip, not expecting too much.  I thought it might have a 60m abseil, but my estimations aren’t that great, it could only be 30m.  So, it’s day two of our MSS Canyoning Extravaganza and we’re ready to rock and roll. Continue reading

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The MSS Canyoning Extravaganza

MOUNT WILSON, 27 – 31 December 2023
Steph, who I caved with on the Nullarbor, was coming up from Victoria to visit MSS member Liz, and they asked if we could do some canyoning while Steph was here.  Initially it was for an 8 day canyoning extravaganza, but true to form, my rainmaker skills came to the fore, and we were rained out after 4 days, but, they were action packed days! Continue reading

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I should rent myself out as a rain-maker

NSW SOUTH COAST – 25 – 30 November 2023
Pretty much every multi day trip I’ve been on in the past year we’ve had a massive rain event, and this trip was no exception … more about that later.  Driving 600k south twice in the same year is unheard of for me, but the incentive of searching for sea caves made the daunting drive something I couldn’t pass up.  So, I headed off, breaking the trip at my brother’s house in Milton …. still out of my comfort zone though, that’s a long way to drive! Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, Caving, MSS | 2 Comments

In search of the elusive Giant Pink Slug

MOUNT KAPUTAR NP – 15-19 November 2023
At 20cm long, and a fluro pink, this slug should have been easy to spot.  I didn’t know about it before I went to this National Park, but once you get there “Pinky” the slug is on all their information signage.  Sadly, even though we checked out any mossy, wet vegetation, that we came across, we didn’t find evidence of this elusive slug. Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, Caving | 2 Comments

Who says I don’t know how to do an easy walk?

BELL, BLUE MOUNTAINS NP – 12 November 2023
I wouldn’t have even know about this walk if I hadn’t seen an email from someone else saying they were going there, so it was in the back of my mind.  And when, after the MSS AGM, we decided that a small Sunday walk would be nice, I put the walk forward.  John G and Onni had done it before, so I wouldn’t even have to figure out where to go – bonus! Continue reading

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