The “almost” Canyon

BLUE MOUNTAINS – 20 February 2022
I’d been on this small tourist walk about 10 years ago , and had put it in the memory bank as a “must go further down this creek, to see if it turns into a canyon”, and then Phil C beat me to it, reporting that it was indeed worth doing (once).  Another couple of years passed and finally I put it on the MSS calendar, hoping that someone would think it was a good idea to explore it too. Continue reading

Posted in Abseiling, Bushwalking, Canyoning, MSS | 2 Comments

Who would have thought a Michael Keats canyon would be so good

NEWNES PLATEAU – 19 February 2022
Six weeks ago, Trish, Kathy, John and I had attempted Henry’s Canyon and had been thwarted by high water and a corkscrew drop that looked like almost certain death (well not quite but decidedly off-putting).  So, it was unfinished business.  We’d set aside this day so that the four of us could complete the trip, but sadly Trish and Kathy couldn’t make it, now John’s going to have to go back again! Continue reading

Posted in Abseiling, Bushwalking, Canyoning, MSS | 6 Comments

More Unfinished Business done and dusted

MOUNT WILSON – 18 February 2022
Three days canyoning will have to be split into three different posts – binge readers be warned!  I headed up to Mount Wilson, the plan being to knock over three trips, all of which were on the wish list, and were “unfinished business” from previous trips.  It was going to be a big weekend! And lots of photos were taken, too many for just one post! Continue reading

Posted in Abseiling, Bushwalking, Canyoning, MSS | 9 Comments

Leech Creek

WATAGAN MOUNTAINS – 12 February 2022
Our big adventure at Bungonia NP was called off due to too much rainfall down that way.  It had been raining a bit here on the Central Coast – in fact all over the state, I couldn’t find an area for a Plan B, so decided the weekend was a write off.  Then I had the bright idea to take those who lived closer to the Coast up to the Watagans to do a couple of minor canyons. Continue reading

Posted in Abseiling, Bushwalking, Canyoning, MSS | 4 Comments

Photo faffing!

NEWNES VALLEY – 5 February 2022
After yesterday’s big trip to False Teeth, I was looking forward to a more relaxed day.  We’d decided not to do Twilight (for a variety of reasons), and so John picked a new canyon for us (he always does a “new” canyon on his Birthday Canyon Weekend).  None of us knew what to expect, but we were all up for a sociable day out – I can’t believe that the canyon took as long as it did, but there was a lot of faffing around! Continue reading

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