Exploring the Old Great North Road

I’d visited the start and end of this walk many years ago and always thought it would be interesting to see “what’s in the middle”, so I put it on the MSS calendar thinking that only Trish M and Ali M would go with me, but it turned out that others were also keen on a 4 day walk, none of whom hadn’t walked with me before – I was a bit apprehensive, would they enjoy the walk? – after all I wasn’t sure what was in store for us – and would they ever walk with me again? Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, BWOC, MSS | 14 Comments

Sometimes you can’t even get the map names right!

JONES CREEK, ETTREMA TOPS – 13 -14 March 2021
This trip started out with a cast of thousands, but when the weekend rolled around we were down to just the three of us, Ali, Trish M and me.  My head mustn’t have been screwed on correctly as when Trish asked me what topo maps we would be on, I sent her an sms with “Marriage and Tough I think”, bloody predictive text, didn’t proof read it, should have been “Nerriga and Touga”.  Trish got a good laugh out of it! Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, BWOC, MSS | 7 Comments

2 Stunningly Beautiful Creeks

NEWNES PLATEAU – 6 March 2021
Rod S put this unpublished canyon on the MSS calendar and none of us had any idea of what to expect, although, Felix O-B had told his mother that under no circumstances was the name or location to be publicised as it was a “fragile environment”. At least that’s what I think he said, it was second hand from Anna.  In the end, poor Anna couldn’t come with us but I’m sure she’ll get to see it eventually. Continue reading

Posted in Abseiling, Bushwalking, Canyoning, MSS | 5 Comments

Evel Knievel and Evel Knievel Double

NEWNES PLATEAU – 5 March 2021
These two minor canyons (unpublished) acquired a number of names during the course of the day, but for this post they’ll be Evel Knievel and Evel Knievel Double (aka Two Sticks canyons and Tough Mudda canyons).  I’d done Evel Knievel about four years ago but had recently heard of the other canyon, a side creek of the main one, easy to get to and apparently better than Evel Knievel. Continue reading

Posted in Abseiling, Bushwalking, BWOC, Canyoning, MSS | 6 Comments

White water in Dione Dell

KANANGRA BOYD NP – 21 February 2021
I’ve done Dione Dell three times over the last 15 years, but always as a winter (dry) trip and always wanted to do the wet trip, landing in all the pools (which look so tempting when you’re doing a dry abseil).  So, as we were in the area for the weekend we decided to give it a go, particularly as the water flow was exceptionally high at the moment after the rain we’ve had. Continue reading

Posted in Abseiling, Bushwalking, Canyoning, MSS | 3 Comments