GNW Canyon – in the Watagans of all places!

HEATON STATE FOREST – 26 November 2020
There was quite a debate between Trish and me, was this a canyon, or not?  At the end of the trip we all agreed that it was a great creek walk with stunning canyon sections. As a walk, it was up there with some of the best that we’d done.  As far as my search for canyons in the Watagans – I’d have to say that we found one – and it’s definitely worth repeating! Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, BWOC, Canyoning, MSS | 8 Comments

Return to Butterbox – after 19 years!

BUTTERBOX CANYON, MT HAY, NSW – 21 November 2020
I’ve avoided this canyon over the last 19 years, for a few reasons … you need a lead climber for the 15m climb  (to get to the top of the cliff to exit the valley), plus the older I got the more the thought of the canyon un-nerved me!  But then Shiva planned the trip, and she had a good team that I knew would be supportive and encouraging, so I decided to put aside my anxiety and jump back on the horse. Continue reading

Posted in Canyoning, MSS | 4 Comments

Bobbing for Apples (or the Great Camera Retrieval Adventure)

WATAGANS NP – 17 November 2020
After last Thursday’s Great Adventure, my very expensive camera was at the bottom of a mini-canyon.  I decided it was worth mounting a trip to try retrieving the camera from the bottom of the slot.  Jai and Trish agreed to join me. Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, Canyoning | 8 Comments

Discovering the 1,000 year canyon

WATAGANS NP – 12 November 2020
This was a mid-week, joint MSS/BWOC trip, to check out some creeks that I’d identified as possibly having canyon-like sections (Part #5 in my “Search for Watagans Canyons” aka “there’s got to be something out there”). Continue reading

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Sirens of the Wollemi Wilderness – Trip #3

HUNTER MAIN RANGE – 23 October 2020
As we’d returned from Mt Coricudgy each day, we’d looked down at a magnificent “Bavarian” forest off the side of the road. It was untouched from the recent fires.  In my imagination I built a story where the forest was spared because it was the beginning of a run by the fire retardant bombers who were protecting the Wollemi Pines .  We didn’t have a clue where the Wollemi Pines were, and really didn’t want to find out but it sounded logical to me (and Lou). Continue reading

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