Sirens in the Wollemi Wilderness – Trip #2

HUNTER MAIN RANGE – 20 – 22 October 2020
After a “day off” at our Dunn’s Swamp campsite, Lou and I were keen to get back to the creek.  Have to admit that Lou bribed me with gourmet food and treats that she would carry in to our camp cave and the expectation that we could drive all the way to the locked gate.  So, with a good weather forecast, we headed off. Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, Canyoning | 6 Comments

Terrestrial Orchids – watch where you’re walking!

HUNTER MAIN RANGE – Trip 1 & 2 – 16- 23 October 2020
I knew that Lou was “into” terrestrial orchids, but didn’t have a clue as to what extent!  She’s a walking identification book – probably helps that she seems to have photographic memory! She can also pick out a little insignificant orchid from (what seems) miles away!  These orchids (and a couple of non orchids) deserve their own post, enjoy! Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, Canyoning | 10 Comments

Sirens in the Wollemi Wilderness – Trip #1

HUNTER MAIN RANGE – 16 – 18 October 2020
When the Legendary Louise said she was going to head to the northern part of the Wollemi National Park, to do a bit of exploration, I decided to join her, after all, exploring for canyons and passes is right up my alley.  The trip turned into 2 multi day trips when Louise (and Mik who joined us for the first trip) absolutely spoiled me! Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, Canyoning | 2 Comments

The Deathly Hallows

HUNTER MAIN RANGE – Trip 1, Part 2 –  17 October 2020
On day two of our exploration into some of the upper reaches of Wollemi Creek, we came across the “inside out” caves (or as Lou christened them The Deathly Hallows).  Whilst I’ve seen the odd small “stal” in overhangs in sandstone cliffs, what we stumbled upon was way beyond “the odd stal”, and I suspect that we were the first people to see them. Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, Canyoning, Caving | 8 Comments

Off Track Bushwalking in Crocs – not a good idea

NORTHERN NSW – 5 October 2020
After we’d finished our caving exploration, Phillip offered to take us to a sea cave later in the afternoon.  I imagined that I’d be just walking down to a beach and then along some sand, you know, like at Caves Beach.  Rookie error, should have asked more questions.  I didn’t take my walking shoes, figured Crocs would be the way to go on the beach. Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, Caving, MSS | 4 Comments