AND, you can dehydrate it. Beetroot, garlic, cashews, lemon juice … doesn’t get much better than this. Jenny H sent me this recipe and I made up a batch and dried it (according to directions). Took some out on my last trip, added a little water and hey presto! Beetroot dip. I let it stand for an hour before using it, should have used it straight away or added a bit more water but it was still fantastic.
- 1 cup raw unsalted cashews
- 3 cloves garlic
- 4 medium beetroot
- Juice of 1 large lemon (I actually added more than this)
- 1/3 cup olive oil
- Sprig of parsley
- Salt & pepper to tast
- Cook the beetroot in its skin with the root and 1 inch of the tops still attached, when cool, peel off the skin, tops and roots.
- Meanwhile, soak the cashews in water for a few hours, drain, rinse.
- Whizz the nuts and garlic in a food processor until they just start to form a paste.
- Add all the other ingredients and wizz again.
- Add enough water to make the right consistency (a dip instead of a paste)
- Eat straight away OR, spread thinly on dehydrator trays to dry.
- When dry, put it back in the food processor and grind to a fine powder.

The finished product
I stored it in the freezer and then pulled enough out for the overnight walk, didn’t take too much cause I wasn’t sure how it would go, but everyone loved it, even the kids!

After it’s been dried and re-ground, this is probably enough for 4 or 5 overnight walks!
*Earth Garden, author Liz Ingham, Melbourne.
Thanks Jenny for sending me the recipe!
Thanks M – glad you liked it.
Your photos make it look so professional!