Extreme Sea Caves

MUNMORAH SRA – 15 December 2020
You can plan for every contingency, and then a massive low over the East Coast of Australia causes very high swells, virtually negating the .18m low tide predicted.  The whole trip was planned around this very low tide at 4.20pm and there was a bloody 1m swell!  And if that wasn’t bad enough, it was overcast with low visibility so the photos don’t even look any good!  It was an adventure though. Continue reading

Posted in Bushwalking, BWOC, MSS | 6 Comments

The bushwalking gods were smiling down on us

COLO WILDERNESS – Drip Rock Fire Trail – 13 December 2020
When you drive to a gated fire trail, that you know from past experience is locked, but rumour has it that it’s open, and you find that yes, it’s indeed open, you know that the universe is with you.  And you’ve just been saved from walking a 22k round trip. Continue reading

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Three wounded knees in one day

COLO WILDERNESS – Wounded Knee Canyon 12 December 2020
The goal of the day was to do this canyon in one day.  Most people (including me) have done the canyon as an overnight trip.  I’d suspected that it could be done in a day, if you started early and did it in the summer months when there were more daylight hours.  And then a month before our trip, I found out that (bloody) Kent had already done it as a day trip! I was a bit disappointed that we weren’t the first to do so, but what the hell, it was still a great trip Continue reading

Posted in Abseiling, Canyoning, MSS | 4 Comments

Spring Creek – done and dusted

KINGS TABLELAND – 1 December 2020
No, not the infamous Spring Creek (that you’re not supposed to do), but one in the Blue Mountains and I’m now well and truly finished with this creek, never have to return – at least I’m pretty sure I don’t have to go back.  The aim of today’s walk was to check out two waterfalls shown on the topo map, both of which are in different branches (or side creeks) of Spring Creek. Continue reading

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Abseiling in extreme conditions

BLUE MOUNTAINS – 29 November 2020
After walking down to the top of the waterfall, and starting to set up the rope, I went back to a sheltered spot and I think the words I used were “These are the most extreme conditions you’ll ever experience when abseiling, you need to decide whether you’ll do it or not!”  Each person made their way down to check out the start and yep, all but one (not wearing a wetsuit and it was way cold!) decided they were in!  Continue reading

Posted in Canyoning, MSS | 2 Comments